Install the barebones installer

Install the barebones installer to create new WordPress projects with a single command. Your project will also include crucial plugins:

  • Yoast SEO
  • Advanced Custom Fields Pro
  • Regenerate Thumbnails
  • Classic Editor
  • Simple History
# Download the barebones installer

git clone
chmod +x barebones-automated-installer/barebones
mv barebones-automated-installer/barebones /usr/local/bin
rm -rf barebones-automated-installer

# Create a new project in a folder called project-name

barebones project-name

Using Gulp

Run the following Gulp tasks from your theme folder, for example wp-content/themes/project-name:

gulp #to compile (all tasks)
gulp watch #to compile (all tasks)
gulp images #to compile (all tasks)
gulp styles #to compile (all tasks)
gulp scripts #to compile (all tasks)
gulp build #to compile (all tasks)


Hints, tips and code snippets for professional WordPress developers working on fully custom builds or with our boilerplate theme.